aerial images

Chernobyl researchers used a UAV to track nuclear waste.

A mission was carried out at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant with the aim of determining whether there was nuclear waste in reactor 5. At the time of the disaster, there was no record of whether the Reactor Five storage … Read More

The Ingenuity helicopter successfully landed on Mars!

As predicted at the beginning of the mission, the Perseverance rover successfully landed on Mars on February 18, 2021. Perseverance brings the Ingenuity inside, which is planned to be the first helicopter to fly on Mars. *Before reading this article, … Read More

all images by reuben wu

Art: Reuben Wu uses drones to illuminate erosive landscapes in his new work “Light Storms”, and the result is amazing!

The photographic series features creative uses of drone lighting for surreal night and dusk shots that make it look like Utah is on another planet. Reuben Wu is a visual artist and photographer, his new work called Light Storm has … Read More

Fleets of drones could aid searches for lost hikers

After years, now drones are the salvation of many lost hikers.

Finding hikers lost in the forest was a long and difficult process, as until not long ago, helicopters could not glimpse through the thick canopy of trees and ground searches were carried out by professional people who walked for hours, … Read More

Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Mars 2020, NASA launched Ingenuity to space

NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter was launched to Mars, successfully. It is a technology demonstrator of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, which will evaluate whether it is feasible to fly on Mars safely, it will also provide a detailed mapping of the area … Read More


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